Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Kelsey Blanket

The Kelsey Blanket

To begin the story...I had a blanket crocheted by my grandmother. I've had it for over 25 years, washed it a million times, even tried to find the crochet pattern so I could make another one just like it --but maybe not grey, as grey is not all that daring-- and had no luck. I mean I searched for that pattern for years! I began to except the fact that the pattern died with Dodi. I did not realize how important that blanket was until my daughter used it to cover a hole in Funny Bunny's pen might be able to guess what happens next?!? Funny Bunny ate a hole in it the size of my fist. I cried... sobbed actually. I was pissed. I was sad. I missed Dodi. 

Thankfully, my friend Tina fixed it up a bit by stitching it with a matching grey to close the hole and keep it from unraveling. 

Kelsey said, "I like it even has character."

After I settled, I realized that maybe Kelsey needed to have a blanket made by me, one to love for 25 years and counting. It's weird how the universe looks out for you because when I went to search for pattens on the internet there it was, after years of searching, the closest thing to the "Dodi Pattern" I had ever found. 

Now I am off and running...two skeins in, about eighteen more to go, and in a color palette that is a bit more daring than grey. I hope she likes it!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Daring Gals DIY

Welcome to the Daring Gals DIY blog!

dar·ing  Willing to take or seek out risks; bold and venturesome

Truth be told, I’m not all that daring… but I’m working on it.  I am a crafter to the core.  I love all things colorful, made with paper, hooked with yarn, or pieced with fabric, and this year I am going to get out of my own way and be a bit more daring.

For all you daring readers, I plan to share my adventures in DIY, and along the way I hope to find other gals who are already Daringly DIY!

Power to the paintbrush!